About Bihar Rural Development Society
Rural Development Department (RDD) , Bihar has established a Society(registered under the Society’s Registration Act , 1860) called the Bihar Rural Development Society (BRDS) to catalyse , guide , support , coordinate and oversee implementation of flagship programs of the State : Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme , Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna , Indira Awas Yojana and others.
BRDS – Apex Management Structure
General Body (GB): The General Body consists of senior Government officials from all related departments, apart from representatives from Zilla Parishads, one representative from Banks, and three representatives from NGOs. The GB would provide overall policy guidance and direction for efficient functioning of the Society in fulfilling its objectives. The General Body is constituted under Clause 7 of the Memorandum of Association (MoA) of BRDS. Specifically, its functions include:
- Approval of the Annual Action Plan and Budget for the financial year.
- Approval of the Annual Audit report and the Financial Statements
- Approve key policy matters as may be submitted by the Executive Committee or CEO of BRDS.
- Ensure that the Society adheres to the MoA signed with the Government of Bihar and fulfils all its agreements, covenants and contracts enumerated.
Executive Committee (EC): An eighteen member EC has been formed, under the MoA to guide BRDS in all policy matters and advise the functionaries of the society on the management of the BRDS. Members include senior Government officials of related departments, the CEO of BRLP and State Project Director and a representative of BIPARD. Its specific roles are:
- It shall exercise control over the management of the Society, and shall have all advisory, executive and financial powers to conduct the affairs of the Society through the CEO.
- It would approve the HR Policy, including creation of various posts in the Society, and to make appointments in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Society.
- It would establish its own procurement procedures and employ the same for procurement of goods and services.
- It would also approve other policies, as may be required from time to time as per extant delegations of the Society.
- It may appoint committees, sub-committees, expert panels, task force, working / study groups, Boards etc. for such purpose and on such terms as it may deem fit and may also remove them.
- It may accept donations, grants or endowments upon such terms and conditions as it may deem fit.
- It has the right to co-opt eminent persons/ officials in the field of activities related to the objectives of BRDS.
President - EC: The Principal Secretary/ Secretary, RD Department, Government of Bihar would be the President of the EC
- S/he would preside over all EC meetings of BRDS. S/he will approve all EC meeting minutes and any resolutions raised by any member of the EC.
- S/he would authorize recruitment of any staff for BRDS as per the approved norms, once the posts have been approved by the EC. S/he would also authorize and cause for approval of the General Body specific policies, byelaws, procedures etc., with respect to Human Resource Management.
- S/he shall exercise all powers as delegated by the Society, from time to time
- S/he would be the appellate authority in all disciplinary cases related to human resources and in case of arbitration related to contracts
- S/he may, in writing, delegate such of her/his powers as s/he may consider necessary to the CEO or any other officer of BRDS.
CEO: The Employment Guarantee Commissioner, Bihar shall be the CEO of BRDS.
- Her/his appointment would generally be for a period of three years or as decided by the State Government. S/he shall be an officer of IAS/BAS cadre not below the rank of Joint Secretary (34000 – 67000) and shall be appointed by the Government of Bihar./li>
- The CEO shall be responsible for the management of day-to-day affairs of BRDS. S/he shall be responsible for the execution of all activities and functions of BRDS/li>
- The CEO shall in consultation with the President of EC, convene the meetings of the EC/ General Body at stipulated intervals.
- The CEO shall exercise all such powers delegated by the President EC or the EC.